Health Ministries

The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s view on health is that it is the gracious gift of God, and is preserved best by choosing the most healthful lifestyle possible, empowered by the Grace of God. 

We believe in a “ministry of healing” by which we can be restored to wholeness. Our concept of “whole” involves “the whole person”: spiritual, physical, mental and social — as we do not exist in isolation. We emphasize the prevention of diseases through simple lifestyle patterns that permit God’s restorative powers to work more effectively on our behalf, while in no way minimizing the effectiveness of proven therapy where disease has already occurred. 

The four foundational principles which guide the Health Ministry Department philosophy and work are summed up as follows:

Inspiration: We believe the Word of God is the very best guide to making careful and wise choices in every area of life, including those things that impact our health. 

Evidence: We operate under the conviction that God is the author of all true science. Therefore, we respect evidence which stands up to the rigors of careful examination and analysis according to accepted scientific principles. We believe this is vital in a world filled with misinformation and falsehood.

Balance: Even good things can be taken to excess. Therefore, we are deeply committed to balance–physical, mental, social and spiritual–in every aspect of life to support health, happiness and healing.

Relationships: Social support is essential to human existence and health. Positive relationships with family, friends, community and God play a significant role in personal health, productivity, and our ability to help others. It supports and aids healing as well.

The First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa Health Ministries promotes a healthy lifestyle through activities and health education initiatives.