Prayer Ministries


When people pray, things happen! Where prayer is emphasized, the church thrives.  As Christian author Ellen White has said, “…Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse…”

The activities of our Prayer Ministries include intercessory prayer, teaching others to pray, providing prayer and ministry opportunities, and participating in the fulfillment of our church’s vision and mission as inspired by the Holy Spirit.    

There are daily and weekly opportunities for praying together with our church family:

Prayer Conference Call | Monday–Friday, 6:00-6:15 am.  Dial 712-432-0232, Access Code 1013047#

Oklahoma Prayer Line | Tuesday, 6:00-7:00 am.  Dial 605-468-8020, Access Code 450698#

Prayer Meeting | Wednesdays, 6:00 pm.  In the Chapel.  Everyone is invited to participate!